Morning Session
7:15 - 8:00 am
Please note: Session presentation can be found by clicking on the name of the session.
Teaching Literacy Across the Content Areas | Session Evaluation
Outcomes: Participants will obtain strategies for teaching reading across content subject areas within a multi-tiered system of support.
Strand: Academics
Target Audience: Middle/High School
Presented by: Nikki Shrum
Room 3
Nearpod Lesson
High School Behavior Round Table | Session Evaluation
This round table discussion will facilitate a conversation and opportunity to network for high school staff members to surface strengths, needs, and potential next steps in an instructional approach to behavior at the secondary level. Participants will also be provided resources to help build the systems of support with their own building.
Outcomes: Participants will have the opportunity to network, learn from colleagues, and ask question around building a behavioral support system in high school building. Participants will be able to access a variety of existing resources, and advocate for potential training needs and supports for the future.
Strand: Social and Behavior
Target Audience: All Implementers with High School Focus
Presented by: Ryan Guffey & Tricia Diebold
Room 4
Additional Resources
High School Placemat
Outcomes: Participants will obtain strategies for teaching reading across content subject areas within a multi-tiered system of support.
Strand: Academics
Target Audience: Middle/High School
Presented by: Nikki Shrum
Room 3
Nearpod Lesson
High School Behavior Round Table | Session Evaluation
This round table discussion will facilitate a conversation and opportunity to network for high school staff members to surface strengths, needs, and potential next steps in an instructional approach to behavior at the secondary level. Participants will also be provided resources to help build the systems of support with their own building.
Outcomes: Participants will have the opportunity to network, learn from colleagues, and ask question around building a behavioral support system in high school building. Participants will be able to access a variety of existing resources, and advocate for potential training needs and supports for the future.
Strand: Social and Behavior
Target Audience: All Implementers with High School Focus
Presented by: Ryan Guffey & Tricia Diebold
Room 4
Additional Resources
High School Placemat
Breakout Session 1
10:15 - 11:30
Access for Success | Session Evaluation
This session will identify effective processes and practices that will produce results to further the inclusion of individual children with disabilities into activities, routines and environments of their same age peers in their school.
Outcomes: Participants will identify roles and responsibilities of a collaborative team. Participants will review Collaborative Record Forms. Participants will identify processes of a MAPS and Curriculum Matrix for an individual student with disabilities.
Strand: Academic
Target Audience: All Implementers
Presented by: Pat Van de Reit
Room 1
Words with Dignity
People First Language
Inclusive Education Cool Tools
Respectful and Responsible Ways of Responding to Challenging Behaviors | Session Evaluation
This session will focus on respectful and responsible ways of responding to challenging behaviors with emphasis on the importance of maintaining an instructional approach to behavior. Clarification of consequences and practical, effective, research-based strategies for responding when behavior challenges occur will be discussed.
Outcomes: Learn about the balance of proactive and reactive strategies for supporting desired behavior in schools, with an emphasis on understanding acting out behavior · Develop the ability to clarify the role of consequences · Identify practical, effective, research-based strategies for responding to challenging behaviors
Strand: Academic and Behavior
Target Audience: All Implementers
Presented by: Kathleen Lane, University of Kansas
Room 2
Exploration of Supports and Strategies for Co-Teaching | Session Evaluation
This session will provide an opportunity to explore resources co-teaching partners can use to create a strong working relationship with clear communication and expectations. We'll also introduce a tool for co-planning, and take a look at resources to support the goal of co-teaching - differentiated instruction
Outcomes: Participants will learn about supports they can use to enhance their co-teaching partnerships and strategies for planning for differentiated instruction.
Strand: Academic
Target Audience: General and Special Educators
Presented by: Christy Thomas
Room 3
Additional Resources:
Improving Reading Instruction | Session Evaluation
This session will explore the five areas of reading while highlighting strategies and resources for those areas.
Outcomes: Participants will obtain strategies for teaching the five areas of reading within a multi-tiered system of support.
Strand: Academic
Target Audience: General and Special Educators
Presented by: Nikki Shrum
Room 4
Nearpod Lesson
Renew Awareness | Session Evaluation
Rehabilitation Empowerment Natural Supports Education & Work (RENEW). RENEW is a strengths based approach designed to support high school aged youth whom may be experiencing emotional and behavioral challenges. This supportive, student driven approach values the voice of the youth as they plan for their future and life after school.
Outcomes: Participants will learn about the RENEW principals and the desired outcomes of the four phase process. Participants will also learn about additional resources and next steps as they consider implementation in their school.
Strand: Behavior and Social
Target Audience: High School Student Support Team, Administrators, Counselors, Social Workers
Presented by: Ryan Guffey
ABA Room
Additional Resources:
Renew Partnership Commitments
New Hampshire Website
National Wraparound Initiative
This session will identify effective processes and practices that will produce results to further the inclusion of individual children with disabilities into activities, routines and environments of their same age peers in their school.
Outcomes: Participants will identify roles and responsibilities of a collaborative team. Participants will review Collaborative Record Forms. Participants will identify processes of a MAPS and Curriculum Matrix for an individual student with disabilities.
Strand: Academic
Target Audience: All Implementers
Presented by: Pat Van de Reit
Room 1
Words with Dignity
People First Language
Inclusive Education Cool Tools
Respectful and Responsible Ways of Responding to Challenging Behaviors | Session Evaluation
This session will focus on respectful and responsible ways of responding to challenging behaviors with emphasis on the importance of maintaining an instructional approach to behavior. Clarification of consequences and practical, effective, research-based strategies for responding when behavior challenges occur will be discussed.
Outcomes: Learn about the balance of proactive and reactive strategies for supporting desired behavior in schools, with an emphasis on understanding acting out behavior · Develop the ability to clarify the role of consequences · Identify practical, effective, research-based strategies for responding to challenging behaviors
Strand: Academic and Behavior
Target Audience: All Implementers
Presented by: Kathleen Lane, University of Kansas
Room 2
Exploration of Supports and Strategies for Co-Teaching | Session Evaluation
This session will provide an opportunity to explore resources co-teaching partners can use to create a strong working relationship with clear communication and expectations. We'll also introduce a tool for co-planning, and take a look at resources to support the goal of co-teaching - differentiated instruction
Outcomes: Participants will learn about supports they can use to enhance their co-teaching partnerships and strategies for planning for differentiated instruction.
Strand: Academic
Target Audience: General and Special Educators
Presented by: Christy Thomas
Room 3
Additional Resources:
Improving Reading Instruction | Session Evaluation
This session will explore the five areas of reading while highlighting strategies and resources for those areas.
Outcomes: Participants will obtain strategies for teaching the five areas of reading within a multi-tiered system of support.
Strand: Academic
Target Audience: General and Special Educators
Presented by: Nikki Shrum
Room 4
Nearpod Lesson
Renew Awareness | Session Evaluation
Rehabilitation Empowerment Natural Supports Education & Work (RENEW). RENEW is a strengths based approach designed to support high school aged youth whom may be experiencing emotional and behavioral challenges. This supportive, student driven approach values the voice of the youth as they plan for their future and life after school.
Outcomes: Participants will learn about the RENEW principals and the desired outcomes of the four phase process. Participants will also learn about additional resources and next steps as they consider implementation in their school.
Strand: Behavior and Social
Target Audience: High School Student Support Team, Administrators, Counselors, Social Workers
Presented by: Ryan Guffey
ABA Room
Additional Resources:
Renew Partnership Commitments
New Hampshire Website
National Wraparound Initiative
Breakout Session 2
1:00-2:15 pm
Ad Universal Design for Learning (UDL): Not Just Another Acronym | Session Evaluation
This session will provide an overview of Universal Design for Learning as an instructional model. Participants will also have the opportunity to explore research and resources as they consider ways to implement into their own practices.
Outcomes: 1. Participants will be exposed to the basics of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as an instructional model. 2. Participants will be able to access resources and explore implementation methods related to UDL.
Strand: Academic and Behavior
Target Audience: All Implementers
Presented by: Trish Diebold & Angela Cartee
Room 1
Using Tiered Systems to Help Behavior More Trauma Sensitive, Part 1 | Session Evaluation
Outcomes: • Learn principles of Trauma Informed Care • Learn how to provide safety and security to all students • Educators will gain a trauma informed perspective to see the important of implement discipline in a sensitive, predictable and respectful manner as part of a tired systems framework.
Strand: Academic, Behavior and Social
Target Audience: All Implementers
Presented by: Mickey Hughes, Lynn Baer & Jamie Grieshaber
Room 2 (Streaming Live)
Math Strategies to Increase Your DO! | Session Evaluation
In this session, participants will explore the relationship between the mathematical strategies described in the Missouri Learning Standards and the High-Yield Strategies by Marzano through hands-on activities they can use in the classroom tomorrow.
Outcomes: 1. Participants will understand the difference between a research-validated strategy and classroom activities. 2. Participants will be able to identify a classroom activity for each of Marzano's strategies.
Strand: Academics
Target Audience: General and Special Educators, Instructional Specialists
Presented by: Amanda Wise
Room 3
Effective Writing Strategies | Session Evaluation
This session will explore writing strategies and resources that can be implemented in a multi-tiered system of support.
Outcomes: Participants will obtain strategies for teaching writing within a multi-tiered system of support.
Strand: Academic
Target Audience: General and Special Educators, Instructional Specialists
Presented by: Nikki Shrum
Room 4
Nearpod Lessons
Social Skills Instruction as Part of a CI3T Framework | Session Evaluation
Participants will know the essential components of social skills instruction, where to access examples of social skills steps, basic structures for integrating social skills instructions at tiers 1-3, and strategies to use for students based on learning profiles (i.e. educational disability), and tools for monitoring social skills treatment integrity.
Strand: Academic, Behavior and Social
Target Audience: All Implementers
Presented by: Colleen Card & Kathleen Kras
ABA Room
SSD Social Skills Instruction Guide
Social Skills Treatment Integrity
Social Skills Resources
This session will provide an overview of Universal Design for Learning as an instructional model. Participants will also have the opportunity to explore research and resources as they consider ways to implement into their own practices.
Outcomes: 1. Participants will be exposed to the basics of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as an instructional model. 2. Participants will be able to access resources and explore implementation methods related to UDL.
Strand: Academic and Behavior
Target Audience: All Implementers
Presented by: Trish Diebold & Angela Cartee
Room 1
Using Tiered Systems to Help Behavior More Trauma Sensitive, Part 1 | Session Evaluation
Outcomes: • Learn principles of Trauma Informed Care • Learn how to provide safety and security to all students • Educators will gain a trauma informed perspective to see the important of implement discipline in a sensitive, predictable and respectful manner as part of a tired systems framework.
Strand: Academic, Behavior and Social
Target Audience: All Implementers
Presented by: Mickey Hughes, Lynn Baer & Jamie Grieshaber
Room 2 (Streaming Live)
Math Strategies to Increase Your DO! | Session Evaluation
In this session, participants will explore the relationship between the mathematical strategies described in the Missouri Learning Standards and the High-Yield Strategies by Marzano through hands-on activities they can use in the classroom tomorrow.
Outcomes: 1. Participants will understand the difference between a research-validated strategy and classroom activities. 2. Participants will be able to identify a classroom activity for each of Marzano's strategies.
Strand: Academics
Target Audience: General and Special Educators, Instructional Specialists
Presented by: Amanda Wise
Room 3
Effective Writing Strategies | Session Evaluation
This session will explore writing strategies and resources that can be implemented in a multi-tiered system of support.
Outcomes: Participants will obtain strategies for teaching writing within a multi-tiered system of support.
Strand: Academic
Target Audience: General and Special Educators, Instructional Specialists
Presented by: Nikki Shrum
Room 4
Nearpod Lessons
Social Skills Instruction as Part of a CI3T Framework | Session Evaluation
Participants will know the essential components of social skills instruction, where to access examples of social skills steps, basic structures for integrating social skills instructions at tiers 1-3, and strategies to use for students based on learning profiles (i.e. educational disability), and tools for monitoring social skills treatment integrity.
Strand: Academic, Behavior and Social
Target Audience: All Implementers
Presented by: Colleen Card & Kathleen Kras
ABA Room
SSD Social Skills Instruction Guide
Social Skills Treatment Integrity
Social Skills Resources
Breakout Session 3
2:15 - 3:15
Positive Classroom Behavior Support: Overview of critical practices and decision-making guide | Session Evaluation
This session will identify critical positive classroom practices that came from the National Center's Classroom Technical Brief and how to embed in the classroom system.
Outcomes: Create an action plan for school-wide classroom management professional development and/or a plan to embed the critical practices within your classroom system of behavior support.
Strand: Academic and Behavior
Target Audience: General and Special Educators, Instructional Specialist
Presented by: Taryn Gaskill
Room 1
Additional Resources:
Positive Classroom Behavior Supports Document
Trauma Informed, Part 2 | Session Evaluation
Outcomes: • Learn principles of Trauma Informed Care • Learn how to provide safety and security to all students • Educators will gain a trauma informed perspective to see the important of implement discipline in a sensitive, predictable and respectful manner as part of a tired systems framework.
Strand: Academic, Behavior, Social
Target Audience: All Implementers
Presented by: Mickey Hughes, Lynn Baer & Jamie Grieshaber
Room 2
Family Partnerships for Student Success | Session Evaluation
This session is focused on improving outreach and collaboration with families and community partners. Participants will have a better understanding of the resources and supports available through Special School Districts Parent Education and Diversity Awareness Program.
Outcomes: 1. Participants will have a better understanding of the resources and supports available through SSD’s Parent Education and Diversity Awareness Program 2. Become familiar with Family Engagement strategies nationally and what’s happening at SSD 3. Become familiar with collaboration tools and resources 4. Commit to using one new family communication tool
Strand: Academic, Behavior, Social
Target Audience: All Implementers
Presented by: Michelle Levi-Perez
Room 3
Additional Resources:
Best Practice for Family Partnerships
Involvement vs. Engagement
Strategies for Home-School Communication
Family Resources
Problem Solving with Function in Mind | Session Evaluation
This Professional Learning will support participants to use a simple, systematic approach for students with mild/moderate behavioral and academic needs. The process will guide the team to develop a support plan based on the function of behavior, as well as identifying data to monitor student outcomes. Participants will learn why to use a problem solving with function in mind process, function based interventions, process steps, and how to facilitate the conversation. Coaching support will be offered to participants as a follow up.
Outcomes: Know the rationale and when to implement Problem Solving with Function in Mind Know and be able to apply the steps for Problem Solving with Function in Mind
Strand: Academic, Behavior, Social
Target Audience: Tier 2 Coach, Grade Level Leaders, School Counselors, School Psychologists
Presented by: Greg Hungerford & Ryan Guffey
Room 4
Additional Resources:
Problem Solving Template
ABC Data Collection
ABC Example
Wraparound Awareness | Session Evaluation
Wraparound is a strengths-based, unconditional and collaborative process grounded in family voice and choice, among other principles. With the family driving the process, the identified team will leverage the families strengths and needs to create one outcome-based plan.
Outcomes: Gain awareness of the evidence-based process of Wraparound; Understand how it fits into a Multi-Tiered system of support; Make connections to their own work; Know what next steps to take if wanting more information.
Strand: Academic, Behavior, Social
Target Audience: Counselors, Social Workers, Behavior Experts, Tier 2/3 Coaches and Administrators
Presented by: Jamie Grieshaber
ABA Room
PBIS Compendium Tier 3 Wraparound
National Wraparound Initiative
Advancing Education Effectiveness
This session will identify critical positive classroom practices that came from the National Center's Classroom Technical Brief and how to embed in the classroom system.
Outcomes: Create an action plan for school-wide classroom management professional development and/or a plan to embed the critical practices within your classroom system of behavior support.
Strand: Academic and Behavior
Target Audience: General and Special Educators, Instructional Specialist
Presented by: Taryn Gaskill
Room 1
Additional Resources:
Positive Classroom Behavior Supports Document
Trauma Informed, Part 2 | Session Evaluation
Outcomes: • Learn principles of Trauma Informed Care • Learn how to provide safety and security to all students • Educators will gain a trauma informed perspective to see the important of implement discipline in a sensitive, predictable and respectful manner as part of a tired systems framework.
Strand: Academic, Behavior, Social
Target Audience: All Implementers
Presented by: Mickey Hughes, Lynn Baer & Jamie Grieshaber
Room 2
Family Partnerships for Student Success | Session Evaluation
This session is focused on improving outreach and collaboration with families and community partners. Participants will have a better understanding of the resources and supports available through Special School Districts Parent Education and Diversity Awareness Program.
Outcomes: 1. Participants will have a better understanding of the resources and supports available through SSD’s Parent Education and Diversity Awareness Program 2. Become familiar with Family Engagement strategies nationally and what’s happening at SSD 3. Become familiar with collaboration tools and resources 4. Commit to using one new family communication tool
Strand: Academic, Behavior, Social
Target Audience: All Implementers
Presented by: Michelle Levi-Perez
Room 3
Additional Resources:
Best Practice for Family Partnerships
Involvement vs. Engagement
Strategies for Home-School Communication
Family Resources
Problem Solving with Function in Mind | Session Evaluation
This Professional Learning will support participants to use a simple, systematic approach for students with mild/moderate behavioral and academic needs. The process will guide the team to develop a support plan based on the function of behavior, as well as identifying data to monitor student outcomes. Participants will learn why to use a problem solving with function in mind process, function based interventions, process steps, and how to facilitate the conversation. Coaching support will be offered to participants as a follow up.
Outcomes: Know the rationale and when to implement Problem Solving with Function in Mind Know and be able to apply the steps for Problem Solving with Function in Mind
Strand: Academic, Behavior, Social
Target Audience: Tier 2 Coach, Grade Level Leaders, School Counselors, School Psychologists
Presented by: Greg Hungerford & Ryan Guffey
Room 4
Additional Resources:
Problem Solving Template
ABC Data Collection
ABC Example
Wraparound Awareness | Session Evaluation
Wraparound is a strengths-based, unconditional and collaborative process grounded in family voice and choice, among other principles. With the family driving the process, the identified team will leverage the families strengths and needs to create one outcome-based plan.
Outcomes: Gain awareness of the evidence-based process of Wraparound; Understand how it fits into a Multi-Tiered system of support; Make connections to their own work; Know what next steps to take if wanting more information.
Strand: Academic, Behavior, Social
Target Audience: Counselors, Social Workers, Behavior Experts, Tier 2/3 Coaches and Administrators
Presented by: Jamie Grieshaber
ABA Room
PBIS Compendium Tier 3 Wraparound
National Wraparound Initiative
Advancing Education Effectiveness
Team Planning Commitments for 2016-17
During Commitment planning for 2016-17, organize and integrate the learning by using the Note-Taking Worksheets to (a) report to your team what you've learned, and (b) work with your team to update your implementation action plan.
Room 1 - Kirkwood, Mehlville, Lindbergh, Parkway, SLIIS
Room 2 - Pattonville, Ritenour, Riverview Gardens
Room 3 - Rockwood
Room 4 - FergFlor, Hazelwood, Normandy
ABA - Affton, Brentwood, Valley Park, Webster Groves
Room 1 - Kirkwood, Mehlville, Lindbergh, Parkway, SLIIS
Room 2 - Pattonville, Ritenour, Riverview Gardens
Room 3 - Rockwood
Room 4 - FergFlor, Hazelwood, Normandy
ABA - Affton, Brentwood, Valley Park, Webster Groves