Welcome to the 2016 CI3T Conference
Invitation to Learn More
Please preview one of the following prior to attending June 21st.
In an effort to collaborate with others, please share what is causing you to stop your
summer plans to attend this conference?
summer plans to attend this conference?
Agenda at a Glance
7:15 - 8:00
8:30 - 10:00 10:15-11:30 11:30-12:45 12:45-2:00 2:15-3:15 3:15-4:00 |
Morning Sessions - High School Academics & Behavior
Welcoming Remarks, Lisa Powers & Kris Weingaertner-Hartke, All Means All Keynote Address, Dr. Kathleen Lane, A Look at Comprehensive Integrated Three Tiered Models of Prevention (Ci3T): From Selection to Implementation Breakout Session 1 Lunch will be provided CI3T Commitment Information, Q & A, Kathleen Lane, Lisa Powers & Taryn Gaskill (Room 1) Breakout Session 2 Breakout Session 3 Team Planning/Organize & Integrate |
Please contact Lisa Powers at [email protected] or phone at 314-989-7807 for more information regarding Summer Institute.
SSD Learning Center at The Crossings
11969 Westline Industrial Drive
St. Louis. MO 63146
SSD Learning Center at The Crossings
11969 Westline Industrial Drive
St. Louis. MO 63146